
Sunday Aug 29, 2010
2. The Camp David Summit
Sunday Aug 29, 2010
Sunday Aug 29, 2010
As final status talks stutter to resume over the summer, a look back at why the Camp David Summit of July 2000 failed to produce a peace deal. References for episode 2: ROSS, Dennis. The Missing Peace: The Inside Story of the Fight for Middle East Peace. Farrar, Straus, and Giroux, 2004 AGHA, Hussein and MALLEY, Robert. Camp David: The Tragedy of Errors, The New York Review of Books BEN AMI, Shlomo. Scars of war, wounds of peace : the Israeli-Arab tragedy, Oxford University Press, 2006

Saturday Jul 17, 2010
1. The Temple Mount
Saturday Jul 17, 2010
Saturday Jul 17, 2010
A podcast that explores and analyses the social, cultural and political trends that shape the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. This first episode examines the place occupied by the Temple Mount/Noble Sanctuary in Israeli and Palestinian national consciousness, shedding light on the many tragic events for which this holy site has been a catalyst.